
Yes, Hobby Lobby Breaks New Ground

Despite the Supreme Court’s explicit declaration that the Hobby Lobby decision was narrowly tailored to address closely held corporations with […]

Defense Lawyers Sound Alarm On Prop 65 Rewrite

A defense firm find “potentially devastating costs and new resource burdens if the proposals are enacted,” and with little or no benefit to consumers.

Supreme Court Rejects “Presumption Of Prudence” In ERISA Stock Cases

In a decision that overruled all seven U.S. courts of appeal, the Supreme Court last week rejected a “presumption of […]

Past Export Violations Can Bring Weighty Disclosure Decisions

A Dutch company that voluntarily disclosed years of egregious U.S. export control violations and then cooperated with government investigators garnered […]

First SEC Whistleblower Retaliation Charge Is Filed

The SEC for the first time has exercised its new authority to bring anti-retaliation enforcement actions, collecting more than $2 […]

Business Groups Delay Bill Banning “Loser Pays” In Shareholder Suits

Business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, that favor the recent Delaware Supreme Court ruling that would allow companies […]

Plastic “Microbead” Ban In Illinois Likely Just The First

A new Illinois law is likely to be the beginning of national trend.

Pom Wonderful Prevails vs Coca-Cola In Supreme Court

Coca Cola had maintained its label strictly adhered to the requirements of the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act and that should preclude any further claims.

SEC Automates Accounting Fraud Detection

The SEC has signaled that it intends to intensify its scrutiny of public company financial reporting. One of the tools […]

Non-Compete Agreements Becoming Common Outside Tech

Non-compete clauses, long standard in the tech and sales industries, are becoming increasingly common in a wide variety of fields, […]

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