Time Warner Cable Inc. did not properly report Internet outages, an FCC investigation found. The cable company has agreed to […]
Should internet service providers (ISPs) be able to sell “fast lanes” to content providers that are willing to pay for […]
Since 1988, the President has had the power to block acquisition of a U.S. company by a foreign interest on […]
The Limited Liability Company, the “LLC,” is a common structure for real estate joint ventures and for good reason, according […]
A New York state regulatory official determined that PricewaterhouseCoopers, charged with investigating possible trade sanctions violations by one of the […]
In a guidance released last week, the Obama administration revised its position on allowing lobbyists to be members of certain […]
Growing disenchantment and pointed criticism no longer confined to the usual suspects.
Compliance is the standard and irrefutable advice for avoiding class action litigation, but ShepphardMullin attorneys have put a different slant […]
The Tenth Circuit has joined a number of other circuits in affirming that a false statement in an offering document […]
Two mega-mergers never got off the blocks because the would-be deal makers thought it likely they would be challenged by […]
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