An in-depth look at the challenges employers face in keeping employee benefits and compensation in line with changing compliance regulations, and how workers are suffering in the face of eroding long-term savings resources.
According to Reuters, Commerzbank AG will soon agree to pay about $650 million to U.S. authorities over sanctions-related violations. Half […]
The European Commission has issued a report accusing Ireland of illegally subsidizing Apple in the form of tax breaks. According […]
Trace-back procedures after a food poisoning incident are a “notorious mix of art and science,” write Morgan, Lewis & Bockius […]
Franchisors, and businesses that use contractors, staffing agencies or even companies that just outsource cleaning or security, could be deemed joint employers.
A client alert to makers and sellers in the California market, from Morrison & Foerster: Barring a successful court challenge […]
The key areas where disclosure may be required: risk factors, management discussion and analysis, description of business, legal proceedings and financial statement disclosure.
As an indirect way of sniffing out potential insider trading, the SEC has taken a new interest in reporting requirements […]
In a recent speech, DOJ Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, Leslie R. Caldwell, announced an initiative within the […]
Attempts to conduct a cross-border Federal Corrupt Practices Act investigation can run head-on into EU privacy law, providing numerous avenues […]
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