In December, President Obama signed two cryptically named pieces of legislation, shorthanded as “the Cromnibus” and “the Extender Act.” The […]
Major anti-corruption developments by way of the FCPA, and world-wide…
Cyber crimes would be subject to new enforcement tools, and carry tougher penalties, under a proposal the Obama Administration introduced […]
Though the insurer had hoped to avoid litigation, MetLife said it had no choice but to file a lawsuit to […]
What constitutes due diligence in the areas of bribery/corruption and antitrust?
Last year the Court of Justice of the European Union, the highest judicial authority of the EU, rendered three important […]
The nation’s biggest Banks are set to record a five percent dip in profit for the first time since 2008, […]
There has been an uptick in consumer fraud class actions, many of them targeting claims made by way of ingredient […]
Writing on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce website, Sean Hackbarth looks at the pros and cons of changing the definition […]
A scathing critique says the financial industry and members of Congress are trying to gut the law.
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