
Republicans May Push “Nuclear Option” For Supreme Court Confirmations

Republicans are considering a rule change that would allow Supreme Court nominees to be approved by the Senate by a […]

Narrower Insider Trading Definition Challenges Prosecutors

Prosecutors are being challenged by the newly-narrowed definition of “insider trading” put forth by an the Second Circuit Court of […]

Social Business Boom Brings Legal Obligations

New kinds of communications platforms have emerged, allowing organizations to improve business performance by way of direct engagement with customers, […]

Why Ban-The-Box?

In a Q&A, Bloomberg BNA talks to a senior policy researcher with the RAND Corporation, about the history and rationale […]

Fielding A Surprise Visit From The EPA

A post from Vedder Price about what to do when the EPA or a state regulator arrives unannounced and wants […]

How GCs Should Respond To Political Spend Disclosure Demands

Efforts by activists to force publicly-held companies to disclose their political spending have suffered some setbacks, but they aren’t going […]

Ahead Of Net Neutrality Vote, FCC Commissioner Calls For More Transparency

Despite arguments that publicly releasing proposed rule language as the FCC considers it ahead of a vote would be a […]

Southwest Slammed With $1.6M Fine For Leaving Flyers On Tarmac

The Department of Transportation has fined Southwest Airlines $1.6 million, the largest-ever civil penalty against an airline for violating the […]

Congress Finally Renews Terror Insurance, But With New Requirements

After a delay that alarmed many – passage was held up in December by now retired Senator Tom Coburn of […]

FTC Warns Companies On “Internet Of Things”

The chair of the Federal Trade Commission, Edith Ramirez, in a speech at the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show in Las […]

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