
FCC’s Wheeler And Net Neutrality: Anatomy Of A Turn-Around

A Politico piece examines how FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, a former lobbyist for the cable and cell phone industries, negotiated […]

Lawmakers Pressure Verizon To Offer Opt Out Of Tracking

Verizon has ceded to pressure from lawmakers and privacy advocates, saying it will now allow customers to opt out of […]

TPG Capital Sues Former Spokesman For Leaking Info

Former spokesman and public affairs executive Adam Levine was also a New York Times informant, TPG Capital claims in a […]

Dems Propose Major Consolidation of Food Regulation

Two congressional Democrats have drafted a “Safe Food Act of 2015,” which would establish a single agency “to issue recalls, […]

Looser Rules For “General Wellness” Claims In FDA Draft Guidance

A draft guidance for what can be claimed about “general wellness” products will allow some statements that suggest a product has a positive effect on particular medical conditions.

Paul, Weiss Attorney Takes Lead On ‘Deflategate’

The NFL has turned to Ted Wells of Paul, Weiss to lead an investigation—along with NFL Executive Vice President Jeff […]

Worker-Friendly Independent Contractor Test For NJ

The New Jersey Supreme Court has made it harder for an employer to claim  independent contractor as opposed to employee […]

How To Survive A Search Warrant

Firms should have a plan for how to respond to a search warrant, and all the risks that come along […]

Cuban Market Far From “Open”

A post from the Bryan Cave law firm looks at the relaxation of trade sanctions against Cuba recently announced by […]

CA Judges Banned From Boy Scouts

California’s Supreme Court has voted to eliminate an exemption that allowed the state’s judges to continue participating in the Boy […]

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