
Private Eye Hackers Indicted For Corporate Espionage

A group of private investigators who allegedly plotted to hack into companies that were involved in litigation with clients has […]

Abu Dhabi Push To Become International Financial Center

Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, has announced plans to launch a “financial free zone” later this […]

States: Anthem Data Breach Notifications To Customers Too Slow

Anthem’s delay in letting customers know that it suffered a massive data breach “is causing unnecessary added worry,” ten U.S. […]

China Defends $975B Qualcomm Antimonopoly Fine

The record fine against chip maker Qualcomm is designed to “restore market competitiveness,” China’s antimonopoly regulator said this week. The […]

Take Control Of The M&A Process

A firm contemplating a merger must consider the potential anti-competitive effects of the merger process itself, as well as those of the deal.

Fewer EEOC Charges In 2014, But Retaliation Claims Are Up

The EEOC has released its annual statistical summary of charges filed. The total number of charges filed is down from […]

Did Retailer Sax Back Down In Transgender Case?

In the latest twist in a case in the Southern District of Texas, defendant Sax & Company has withdrawn its […]

FTC Hits App Maker For Brain Claims

The FTC has concluded a settlement and consent order with Focus Education, LLC, the maker of the “Jungle Rangers” software […]

Proposed Law Would Curtail Settlements That Set Federal Regs

Republican lawmakers from judiciary committees of both the House and Senate have introduced a law they say will put an […]

Compliance Plans Should Reduce Risk, Not Create Liability

Tying to copy a program wholesale or cobble one together from another industry, failing to staff a program appropriately, and failing to take enforcement seriously, are among the strategies to be avoided.

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