
Cybersecurity Brings Tense Corporate-Gov’t Alliance

The government’s evolving cybersecurity strategy will inevitably intersect with a private sector policies and…

SEC Investigating Companies Over Whistleblower Treatment

The SEC has asked to see years of documents from a number of companies in a probe into the treatment […]

Cutting Employee Hours To Dodge Obamacare – Or Not?

Employees have accused Staples Inc. of purposefully keeping some employees at under 30 hours in order to avoid making them […]

Disclosure Leeway Affirmed In 1st Circuit Case

Cooley LLP partner Lyle Roberts, writing in his blog The 10b-5 Daily, looks at a case that clarifies the extent […]

FCC Passes Strict Net Neutrality Regulations

The FCC, as expected, passed new net neutrality rules by a 3-2 vote. “No one, whether government or corporate, should […]

Intern Lawsuits Hit Fashion Industry

The DOL has laid out six criteria that an internship program should meet in order to steer clear of strictures from the Fair Labor Standards Act.

“Mark Of The Beast” Trumps A Biometric Test

The employer offered what it considered a reasonable accommodation: It would scan only the man’s left hand, not his right, a proposal which it based on its own…

Not Culpable, But They Profited, So CFOs Must Disgorge

Earlier this month the SEC announced a settlement with two former CFOs of Saba Software, a Silicon Valley company. The […]

U.S. Regulators Fine Airbag Company For Non-Cooperation

Federal regulators are fining Takata, the Japanese airbag manufacturer, $14,000 a day for failing to respond “fully or truthfully” to […]

“IoT” Will Change Everything, Including The Practice Of Law

More sensors means more data, and more data means more – and different kinds of – evidence. And of course sensors can be…

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