The FTC has taken an interest in location tracking, a practice that has become a useful business tool for many […]
Proposed rule changes that would make millions of additional workers eligible for time-and-half overtime pay have been developed by the […]
The EU has released a proposed updated and ostensibly harmonized version of its current data protection law, which goes back […]
The Supreme Court has agreed to decide whether federal regulators may encourage electricity users to reduce consumption at peak times […]
Last week New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio signed a bill that prohibits most employers from inquiring about or considering […]
An investigation into the nail care industry by the New York Times finds rampant health problems among salon workers as […]
In a client alert, attorneys from Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati say that FDA regulation, as proposed in a recently […]
In the nation’s first test of a GMO labeling law, the results were mixed for plaintiff Grocery Manufacturers Association. The […]
Federal Election Commission Chairwoman Ann M. Ravel and an agency that she says no longer has any hope of reining […]
The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, reversing a district court in North Carolina, has sided with the EEOC and ruled […]
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