
CareFirst: A Primer on Data Breach Response

The breach was headlines last month, but apparently occurred about a year earlier and may have compromised data of more than a million members.

How To Interpret The FTC’s Vague Data Security Standards

The Federal Trade Commission has pursued dozens of companies for failing to adhere to reasonable data security standards, but nowhere […]

EEOC Pursuing Discrimination Cases Aggressively

To some extent, the EEOC has been thwarted in its efforts to mount  so-called “systemic discrimination” cases. For example, in […]

Clinton Champions $15 Minimum Wage Activists

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton told a conference of fast food workers pushing for a $15 per hour minimum wage, […]

Big Win For Anti-GMO Farmers In Oregon

The judge said that although that law might preclude a GMO ban on the basis of “a suburbanite’s sensitivities,” this case was different…

Forming A Sharia-Compliant Fund

There are five principles to keep in mind when forming a Sharia-compliant financing vehicle, explains Catriona McDevitt, counsel in Akin […]

FIFA Conspiracy Not An FCPA Case

The FIFA corruption scandal, which led its recently re-elected president Sepp Blatter to say this week that he would resign, […]

New Rule Redefines Federal Waters, Many Businesses Affected

A federal rule will significantly expand federal jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act. The rule essentially redefines “waters of the […]

The Basics On Bitcoin For Corporate Counsel

There are currently millions of bitcoin “wallets,” and the IRS has declared that bitcoin transactions are subject to tax, with bitcoins being treated as property.

When Is A Website A “Public Accommodation”?

A recent settlement between the Department of Justice and a major distributor of MOOCs (“massive open online courses”) sheds some […]

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