
Caution About Using FCC Advisory Opinions Re "Open Internet"

Shortly before the Fourth of July holiday, the FCC announced the process by which a company could seek an advisory […]

Fed GC Target of Democratic Hopeful Martin O’Malley

Making the general counsel of the Fed a presidential appointee is a key component of Wall Street reforms proposed by […]

Law Firms Ponder Cybersecurity Certification

There is some good reasons to consider getting ISO 27001 certification, but one factor will make many firms think twice.

CA Bill Would Protect Consumer Location and Biometric Data

A bill that appears to be on track for passage would extend California data privacy law to geophysical location and […]

FTC's Privacy Policy Lambasted As Anti-Innovation

If “big brother is watching you,” per George Orwell, then the FTC is watching big brother (at least in his […]

Two Most-Used Pesticides Will Undergo EPA Scrutiny

In what it calls a major win for environmentalists, Courthouse News Service reports that the EPA has settled with the […]

Attorney-Client Privilege Upheld In District Court

In a powerful affirmation of attorney-client privilege, a federal district court in Georgia has dismissed a legal malpractice claim against […]

New UK Supply Chain Law Will Hit Companies Worldwide

The U.K. Modern Slavery Act of 2015, which is expected to go into effect this fall, differs from the California law in some important respects.

Delaware Law Invalidates Fee-Shifting

Delaware has passed a law that invalidates fee-shifting provisions in connection with internal corporate claims for corporations chartered in the […]

Clawback Under Dodd-Frank on SEC Agenda

The SEC will consider new compensation clawback rules, possibly looking to new rules published recently by the Bank of England […]

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