Shortly before the Fourth of July holiday, the FCC announced the process by which a company could seek an advisory […]
Making the general counsel of the Fed a presidential appointee is a key component of Wall Street reforms proposed by […]
There is some good reasons to consider getting ISO 27001 certification, but one factor will make many firms think twice.
A bill that appears to be on track for passage would extend California data privacy law to geophysical location and […]
If “big brother is watching you,” per George Orwell, then the FTC is watching big brother (at least in his […]
In what it calls a major win for environmentalists, Courthouse News Service reports that the EPA has settled with the […]
In a powerful affirmation of attorney-client privilege, a federal district court in Georgia has dismissed a legal malpractice claim against […]
The U.K. Modern Slavery Act of 2015, which is expected to go into effect this fall, differs from the California law in some important respects.
Delaware has passed a law that invalidates fee-shifting provisions in connection with internal corporate claims for corporations chartered in the […]
The SEC will consider new compensation clawback rules, possibly looking to new rules published recently by the Bank of England […]
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