A bill that would have prohibited California employers from requiring employees to sign arbitration agreements as a condition of employment […]
A privacy official in Canada has ruled that a nursing home’s contract with a chicken farm violates Canada’s Health Information […]
A group of hotel owners challenged a Los Angeles ordinance requiring them to collect personal information about patrons and turn it over to on request…
The Court of Justice of the European Union’s Oct. 6 decision invalidated the Safe Harbor framework for transferring data from […]
Three recent developments at the SEC are detailed in an update from Drinker Biddle & Reath. The first is the […]
An internecine dispute between a company and several shareholders that is playing out in federal court in the Northern District […]
Last week, a federal judge in New York released an order asking tech giant Apple whether a government warrant seeking […]
In an insider trading case mounted by the SEC, the agency wanted access to the two defendants’ company-issued cell phones, […]
A far-reaching amendment to California’s existing gender pay equality law was signed into law earlier this month and will go into effect on January 1.
An Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals decision appears to reject the Department of Labor’s six-factor test for determining whether an […]
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