
Uber Fails To Squelch Driver Class Action

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has rejected Uber’s challenge to class action status for California Uber drivers who contend […]

Don’t Get Ambushed By Administrative Dissolution

It’s a not uncommon occurrence, typically the result of inadvertent failure to pay a tax or tardiness with an annual […]

FCC To Monitor T-Mobile’s Net Neutrality Threat

The FCC has said it will be watching T-Mobile closely after the communications firm announced a new effort to exempt […]

Lawyers Investigated For Defrauding Lead Paint Victims

Two Maryland lawyers are being investigated by the state Attorney General for making false statements and misleading victims who were […]

Banks, Retailers Clash Over New Chip System

It’s slow and couldn’t come at a worse time for retailers, with holidays approaching, and many are putting off the changeover. Retailers also complain the new system lacks…

FTC’s New Scrutiny Of Social Media Campaigns

Following recent enforcement actions involving endorsements on social media, the Federal Trade Commission has updated answers to some frequently asked […]

Analytics Can Detect FCPA And Other Risks

Rooting out organizational risk is a major responsibility for many legal departments, and to do it they typically rely on […]

Feds Seeking Fact Admissions in False Claims Cases

In FCA settlements, the DOJ has long agreed to provisions according to which the company both denies the allegations and resolves the matter…

For-Profit College Corp Fined $95.5M

Illegally paying employees based on the number of students they recruited will cost Education Management Corp., the second-largest for-profit college […]

Contractors Brace For “Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces” Order

Government contractors and subcontractors will have to report regularly on their violations of 14 separate workplace laws and executive orders, and their state law equivalents…

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