
The War On Guns Vs. The War On Cigarettes

Why did one succeed while the other makes no headway? A big city columnist whose wife grew up in Alaska […]

SCOTUS, Again, Upholds Class-Action Waiver In An Arbitration Agreement

DIRECTV, Inc. v. Imburgia, decided on December 14, was pending in the California court system when the Supreme Court ruled […]

Five Cybersecurity Trends for 2016

This short list includes some familiar advice “low hanging fruit,” as well as a warning…

Preemption Battle Shaping Up Over Drone Regs

Conflict over drone registration may be brewing, according to a post from Hogan Lovells, and it’s not between regulators and […]

Laws Mute On Intent Can Criminalize The Innocent

Two laws introduced in Congress aim to address absence of language as to the violator’s intent, a problematic loophole in […]

Judge Lambastes Gibson Dunn Over Missing Bridgegate Notes

The firm has been sharply criticized by a federal judge for the “unorthodox approach” it took in its investigation of the Christie administration Bridgegate lane-closing scandal.

Lying Journalist, Wannabe Lawyer, Still Retracting Stories Decades Later

Former New Republic staff writer Stephen Glass, who now works as a non-lawyer at a Beverly Hills law firm, will […]

Did JPMorgan Trump Up Charges Against Whistleblower?

A former broker in an Arizona branch of JPMorgan says he was fired for refusing to push pricey JPMorgan financial […]

EU Ratchets Up Cybersecurity Rules

In Europe, a “milestone” cybersecurity agreement will require upgraded digital infrastructure in essential services, including transportation control and electricity grid […]

How “Facts On The Ground” Can Determine Employer Liability

Two recent decisions in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals adopted “fact-sensitive and multi-factor inquiries, rather than articulating bright line […]

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