
States That Require An Employee Info Privacy Statement

Five states now require employers to have an internal privacy policy that governs their ability to disclose some forms of […]

Ratings Agencies Skewered Again In SEC Report

According to a recent SEC report, major ratings agencies have not corrected the kinds of shortcomings in their business models that were instrumental in the 2008 financial crisis.

Biggest Cyber Hack Ever Said To Loom In Student Loan Records

Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) has warned that the Education Department is ripe for a massive cyber breach that would dwarf […]

New Gun Rules May Collide With HIPAA

New gun sale rules announced by President Obama could be setting up a collision between officials and the confidentiality protections […]

Self-Driving Cars A Legal Quagmire

With Apple, Google, Tesla, Toyota, and Uber announcing major investments in bringing self-driving vehicles to public roads, the future of […]

U.S. Sues Volkswagen For Environmental Violations

The U.S. has filed a civil lawsuit against Volkswagen AG, a case that could cost the German automaker billions for […]

“Materiality” Definition May Change, Investor Groups Livid

The Financial Accounting Standards Board has proposed revising the definition of “materiality,” an important concept for serious investors and often […]

Muslim Prayer Dispute At A Packinghouse

A long-simmering dispute at a Cargill beef plant in Colorado has led to the firing of about 180 Muslim employees. […]

“Wave Of Regulations” For 2016

Major rules that are expected to be finalized during the President’s last year in office, including rules from the SEC, the FDA and the Department of…

A “Private Tax System” For The Super-Rich

A small group of beneficiaries pay millions of dollars a year to an “income defense industry,” consisting of lawyers, estate planners and anti-tax activists, and contribute heavily to…

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