
Executive Risk After The Yates Memo

The Yates Memo, issued by DOJ in September of last year, requires federal prosecutors to focus their efforts on going […]

Captive Insurance In Crosshairs As Tax Dodge

Captive insurance companies – subsidiaries set up one or a number of businesses to self-insure – have long been seen […]

Mickey Mouse A Copyright “Powerhouse”

Mickey Mouse, worth an estimated $5.8 billion per year to Disney, is the company’s most coveted piece of intellectual property. […]

EPA Chastised For Illegal Propagandizing

The GAO says the Agency used the social media platform Thunderclap to mount a phony grass-roots campaign in support of its Clean Water Rule and…

FTC Asleep On “Big Data” Regulation?

An LA Times columnist looks at a recent Federal Trade Commission report about the implications of “big data” and finds it…

“Reasonable Accommodation” Extends To Job Applicants Too

A recent case filed by the EEOC against McDonald’s should be a cautionary tale for employers as they conduct their […]

A Close Look At The New Cybersecurity Act

Title I is most relevant to companies, and this post takes a close look at what it says.

FDA Putting Brakes On Livestock Antibiotics

After decades of delay while antibiotic resistant “superbugs” continued to gain ground, the FDA is about to impose some restrictions […]

EPA Sued By Beekeepers

A coalition of environmental groups and beekeepers from three states have sued the EPA, claiming it has failed to regulate […]

Justice, Labor Depts, Will Double-Team On Workplace Hazards

The two departments have signed a Memorandum of Understanding that will establish coordination for criminal prosecutions of workplace violations…

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