The alleged Kalamazoo shooter apparently would have passed a background check, but this latest horrific gun incident puts the spotlight […]
A recent survey finds that 10 percent of organizations are already using wearable technology as part of their HR strategy. […]
When safety violations are committed by employees, is the company liable? That depends, explains a client alert from Stites & […]
Your company is likely overdue to scrutinize and tighten up its confidentiality agreements, says a client alert from Seyfarth Shaw. […]
Cliven Bundy and two of his sons who engaged in a standoff with federal authorities at their Nevada ranch two […]
After butting up against a legal system woefully unprepared to handle the severe, life-damaging online harassment she has suffered, video […]
The federal government’s court order demanding that Apple construct a “back door” into encrypted iPhones has “no precedent,” the tech […]
New Jersey’s 2014 law attempting to legalize sports betting by partially repealing a prohibition against it was before a federal […]
After an army reservist got turned away from a shooting range in Oktaha, Oklahoma, he sued in federal court under […]
In January the SEC issued its first ever whistleblower award to an “outsider” – someone who was not an employee […]
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