Not an easy issue to contemplate but one many companies will have to deal with at some point, and some […]
A report issued by the attorney general of California defines what constitutes minimum standards of “reasonable security” for personal information […]
A district court in California had thrown out a case brought by two disgruntled game purchasers who said packaging of […]
A Facebook vice president was taken into custody in Brazil after the company failed to hand over information from its […]
AIG and Bear Stearns top a list of defendants that took major hits in class action settlements last year. The […]
Google has panted a system called “Encouraging Conversation in a Social Network.” It activates when someone sends an email that […]
The takedown of parts of the Ukrainian power grid in December was highly effective and highly sophisticated. The modus operandi was to…
The recent news surrounding Apple, the FBI, and data privacy and ownership has sparked national debate and raised countless questions. […]
Some savvy investors are turning a profit by buying polluted properties, cleaning them up and selling them, but it’s a […]
Civil society advocates are dismayed by the lack of progress in establishing a consumer privacy framework. In February 2012, the […]
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