
Slavery Statement Now Required For Companies Operating In UK

The UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires large companies doing business in the UK to publish a statement that describes […]

5th Circuit: Contractors Too Can Sue Over Discrimination

The ADA is not the only work-related statute that addresses disability in the context of work. The Rehabilitation Act of […]

Health Apps Are Selling User Data

By “flying under the radar” and putting out convoluted privacy policies that users don’t understand, small health-app providers are able to get away with routinely collecting and selling consumer personal health information.

Law Dean’s Sexual Harassment Debacle Has UC System Rethinking Policy

After UC Berkeley faced a backlash for the way it handled allegations against the dean of its law school, the […]

Big Fault Line, As Supreme Court Lags Populist Resurgence

With populist themes central to both the Trump and Sanders campaigns and professed concern about “economic disparities” becoming de rigeur […]

House Speaker Sends Warning To “Draft Ryan” Group

Lawyers for House Speaker Paul Ryan have sent a cease and desist letter to the organizers of The Committee to […]

Sharp Slap On The Wrist To Verizon Over “Supercookies”

The FCC has reached a settlement with Verizon Wireless over so-called “supercookies,” used to track consumer’s internet habits which were […]

Judge Paves Historic Path For Convicts To Get Jobs

In his last days serving on the federal bench in Brooklyn, U.S. District Judge John Gleeson issued the first ever […]

Judicial Impeachment Eyed In Kansas

Kansas Republicans want to expand grounds for judicial impeachment to include “attempting to usurp power” of the legislature. A bill […]

The First Three Months Of New Fed Rule 37 (e)

The first three months under the aegis of a new and closely watched federal rule are put under the microscope […]

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