“If the recent proliferation of taskforces and initiatives is any indication, the aggressive cross-border expansion of white-collar crime enforcement is […]
Facial recognition software could identify shoppers who are likely to spend money. and on what. It’s a technology that…
Violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act are made to order for class actions, and there has been an explosion […]
A meeting where an executive blandly tells employees at an Indiana Carrier air conditioning plant that their jobs are about […]
Executive branch officials are prohibited from making money on their businesses while serving, but those rules don’t apply to the […]
Chief compliance officers at broker-dealers, investment advisors and registered funds should be alarmed at a recent SEC enforcement trend, according […]
Last week’s annual meeting of PhRMA was permeated by a feeling of being unfairly targeted and maligned, and among those doing the maligning, according to various speakers at the gathering, are…
The Department of Education wants to make it harder for colleges to require students to settle debt disputes in arbitration. […]
The defendant had agreed to a class settlement which, had all 100,000 members of the class submitted claims, would have garnered each of them…
When a a company president was advised by in-house counsel that an on-line marketing strategy was problematic, he “put his […]
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