A thoughtful trademark and trade dress strategy can address many of the challenges presented by counterfeiters, competitors and…
In a case that brings to the fore a thoroughly modern conundrum that will surely play out again in various […]
A trade group for federal contractors calls it one of the most significant contract cases in a generation. The Coalition […]
Two years ago, Volkswagen did something almost unthinkable for a major manufacturing company in the U.S., when it supported the […]
In an operation that one security consultant compared to a digital Ocean’s Eleven, hackers may have lurked for months in […]
A law that will create a federal civil remedy for stealing trade secrets has passed the House and Senate, and […]
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has fined a law firm $1 million for filing tens of thousands of abusive debt-collection […]
A coalition of 58 public health groups, ranging from Oxfam America and Doctors Without Borders (USA) to Public Citizen and […]
Jurors who research ongoing trials on the Internet, or post comments about them online, may be fined up to $1,500 […]
Nike’s claim that its outlet stores are selling merchandise at a discount from the “manufacturer’s suggested retail price” has become […]
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