The convenience of digital legal agreements comes at a price, and care must be taken in both website design and […]
The Department of Labor’s new overtime rule is 508 pages long, but this post from Audrey Mross, head of the […]
Several media groups, the ACLU of Ohio and the Ohio chapter of the National Lawyers Guild are among those filing […]
The Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, has signed a policy expanding the purview of investigators gathering information for a […]
American authorities do not have jurisdiction to sue Volkswagen over its doctored diesel emissions tests, the German automaker claims in […]
Columbia Law School professor John C. Coffee Jr. makes a case that U.S. insider trading laws are toothless and badly […]
The controversial rule, much disfavored by management and by Republicans, was challenged in a House committee resolution and is facing court challenges in…
OSHA’s recently released final rule on “Tracking of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses,” commonly referred to as electronic recordkeeping, has garnered […]
The Department of Justice has delayed its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding state and local government websites accessibility for persons […]
The new rule will require most food manufacturers to adhere to new label requirements by July 26, 2018. Manufacturers with […]
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