Amazon used to boast that it offered deep discounts to its customers, showing the Amazon price under the original, usually […]
Several consumer groups have complained before both the FTC and the FCC regarding privacy and data-collection practices of cable and satellite companies AT&T, Cablevision and Comcast …
Insurance companies are not able to keep up with advancements in self-driving vehicles, something made tragically clear this weekend when […]
An OSHA “severe violators” pilot program has been rolled out in four Midwestern states. It will have significant implications for […]
From Kaspersky Lab, a look at an academic study of cybersecurity in the healthcare setting, a subject that has been […]
Starting this month, advice that has the direct or indirect effect of persuading employees to reject a union has to […]
The European Union and United States’ Privacy Shield agreement is likely to be approved, after the U.S. provided reassurances that […]
Airbnb, the online property rental service, has sued its home city of San Francisco, saying its new ordinance that would […]
The user review website must take down nasty law firm reviews after another court found those writings to qualify as […]
For now, relations continue to be bound by the UK Data Protection Act of 1998. In the future the […]
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