An attorney and chief copyright officer for a Canadian university considers a speculative question that recently surfaced for real. For […]
The Irish High Court has agreed to hear a whopper of a security complaint, which was filed against Google’s adtech […]
Companies that have a deal at the underwriting stage, or expect to soon, are likely to face extensive questioning from […]
The most recent in a wave of PFAS lawsuits targeting cosmetics companies was filed against L’Oreal. It was the fourth PFAS filing against a major cosmetics company in less than three months.
Economic sanctions have become the go-to tactic to counter military aggression and terrorism since 9/11, but nothing of the scope […]
In 2021, the Supreme Court ruled that college sports are a profit-making enterprise, and college athletics are no longer exempt […]
Ultra-low-cost carriers Spirit Airlines Inc. and Frontier Airlines will merge in a deal valued at $6.6 billion. The merger will […]
CF Entertainment, owner of The Weather Channel, alleges that the ratings giant Nielsen Company provides a fundamentally defective service that […]
Litigation risk insurance is a “relatively new set of insurance offerings that allow businesses to better manage the legal risks […]
The proposed rules address cybersecurity practices at investment advisers and investment companies, including mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and business development […]
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