No matter which gazillionaire runs Twitter, the fundamental facts about social media remain constant, writes Matt Stoller — they are […]
Battery-powered Air Taxis, which look a bit like big drones, with propellers that enable them to take off straight up […]
The first on this list from Zurich North America is outdated property valuations. A recent study looking at insured properties […]
Child abuse within the Catholic church, problems with pet food, Nigeria’s response to Boco Haram’s kidnapping of school girls, and […]
Writing in FCPA blog, Annie Hudgins discusses compliance lessons to be drawn from the recently announced settlement between the U.S. […]
A revered emeritus professor of European history at Princeton, where he began to teach in 1961, has received an eviction […]
In an article in Workers Compensation News, Florida Judge David Langham discusses the tradeoffs when workers who are injured on […]
Symantec cybersecurity workers warn of a campaign by a Chinese Ministry of State Security system they call Cicada. It lays […]
Inquiring legal minds might wonder what Sidney Powell has been up to since she was kicked off Trump’s legal team […]
McKinsey predicts that three major cybersecurity trends which implicate multiple technologies will have the biggest impact on companies in the […]
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