Non-practicing Entities, aka patent trolls, are finding big oil and gas companies are ripe targets.
The company was sued in California state court over a promotional video it ran in a Los Angeles store.
It’s likely to influence the direction of privacy laws and thus business models worldwide.
Ranked by category, the first is industry-specific, but number two may be found in a wide range…
What Aon saw as overlooked risks may be the most intriguing part of the company’s report on its recent Global Risk Management Survey…
A spate of recent probes may be the first step…
There’s a common option on your email that can do uncommon damage.
It would have been a first in the state that’s often first, but it didn’t happen. A Right to Know Act that would allow consumers…
One data base is merged with another until a person’s habits, locations, purchases and personal histories are all part of […]
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