
NPEs Targeting Petroleum Industry

Non-practicing Entities, aka patent trolls, are finding big oil and gas companies are ripe targets.

Bed, Bath & Beyond Sued Over Video

The company was sued in California state court over a promotional video it ran in a Los Angeles store.

Companies Alarmed As Europe Mulls New Data Privacy Law

It’s likely to influence the direction of privacy laws and thus business models worldwide.

Where OSHA Finds The Most Violations

Ranked by category, the first is industry-specific, but number two may be found in a wide range…

The Top 50 Global Risks

What Aon saw as overlooked risks may be the most intriguing part of the company’s report on its recent Global Risk Management Survey…

“Neither Admit Nor Deny” Defended By New SEC Chair

It does one important thing well.

Damage, Not Theft, Likely Aim of Possible New Wave of Cyber-Attacks

A spate of recent probes may be the first step…

One Wayward Click, And A Wrongful Discharge Suit

There’s a common option on your email that can do uncommon damage.

Privacy Legislation Hits A High-Tech Wall In CA

It would have been a first in the state that’s often first, but it didn’t happen. A Right to Know Act that would allow consumers…

Big Data, Little Privacy – So What?

One data base is merged with another until a person’s habits, locations, purchases and personal histories are all part of […]

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