Companies from two high-tech nodes, Seattle and Silicon Valley, are becoming embroiled in non-compete litigation with increasing frequency. A recent case gave precedence to…
A major victory for Standard & Poor’s, and the judge who signs the order acknowledges…
AML compliance programs are often neglected for a number of bad reasons best described as psychological. Doing it right begins […]
What circumstances trigger the requirement, what kind of due diligence is required and…
The list of seven factors compiled by a law professor almost 50 years ago is still…
What works for business units may lack the detail that the legal department needs to “project and report on the […]
The plaintiff said he didn’t get his energy drink jolt as promised…
Google’s GC approves, but an IP law professor questions whether knowing the plaintiff’s identity will really affect the number of […]
A recent case brought by the SEC and prosecutors in the Southern District of New York could be a wake-up […]
Best practices in the United States can, for example, run afoul of EU labor and privacy law. One U.S. multinational […]
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