
Some Pointed E-Discovery Lessons From A Battle Of Giants

Apple v. Samsung was extensively covered in the media, but most people were not aware that leading up to trial […]

Does The FCPA “Over-Criminalize”?

The “Over-Criminalization Task Force” of the House Judiciary Committee heard from advocates who argue that…

Largest Chinese Wind Generator Company Charged With IP Theft

The New York Times reports the largest wind generator company in China, two of its executives, and a former employee have been indicted for IP theft.

Texas Now Requires A Warrant To Search Emails

The vote on the new state law was unanimous in both the Texas House and Senate, and Governor Rick Perry […]

Obesity And The ADA

The American Medical Association has officially recognized obesity as a disease.

Warren And Bill And Climate Change

Buffet and Gates do good things when they team up, says…

Cookies, Tracking, Hit Some Resistance

Stanford Law School, Mozilla, and Opera Software team up in a “war on cookies.”

Supreme Court Wants “Rule Of Reason” To Govern Payments To Generics

The popular version is “they pay off the generics to keep them out of the market,” and the Supreme Court did not…

Good News For California’s Cap-And-Trade

Recent plans announced by the White House, speeches from the Obama bully pulpit, and a proposal from a committee of […]

Bad Names

When adjudicating a hostile work environment claim, courts have indulged some occasional rough talk, but…

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