Today's General Counsel
Accounting judgments about revenue recognition, accruing losses and assessing fair value are principally the responsibility of management. A company’s audit […]
For employers, the most important provision in the Affordable Care Act will be the play-or-pay mandate. It requires employers with […]
Love conquers all, except disparities in workplace power dynamics. But in a recent survey concerning workplace romances, 39 percent of […]
The benefits of social media are considerable, but there are risks associated with their use for marketing or inter-company communication. […]
Lawyers have increasingly turned to social media information for evidence in civil litigation. This happens most commonly in employment disputes […]
You can significantly reduce the expense and risk of e-discovery by demanding a cooperative approach, automating the exclusion of most […]
In an effort to maximize damages awards, patent owners may be tempted to push the limits of the recovery boundaries […]
The standard version of a Section 337 administrative protective order from the ITC provides only one level of confidentiality: outside […]
Employers have traditionally used choice-of-law or forum-selection clauses to secure a favorable venue in which to litigate validity and scope […]
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