
Evolution of GenAI‘s Impact on Legal Services

Evolution of GenAI‘s Impact on Legal Services

Learn more about the evolution of GenAI’s impact on legal services delivery which is expected to unfold in three overlapping waves within the next 10 years.

Implications of the Illinois Day and Temporary Labor Services Act Ruling

Implications of the Illinois Day and Temporary Labor Services Act Ruling

Explore how this landmark decision is reshaping compliance and operations in the staffing industry.

Notable Data Breaches and How To Protect Your Company

Notable Data Breaches and How To Protect Your Company

Causes and impacts of data breaches at companies large and small, and what you can do to avoid them.

Microsoft Cybersecurity Errors Led To Breach Of Companies’ Data

Microsoft Cybersecurity Errors Led To Breach Of Companies’ Data

The US Cyber Safety Review Board has been critical of Microsoft cybersecurity errors that allowed a Chinese nation-state group to breach more than 20 companies.

Are Ransom Attacks State-Sponsored Terrorism?

Are Ransom Attacks State-Sponsored Terrorism?

The State Department has offered up to $15 million for information on two Russia-based ransomware gangs. Are ransom attacks state-sponsored terrorism?

Weaponizing AI in Cyberattacks Discussed on Hacker Forums

Weaponizing AI in Cyberattacks Discussed on Hacker Forums

Security researchers have found dedicated AI and machine learning for criminal uses of popular chatbots.

AT&T Data Breach Confirmed

AT&T Data Breach Confirmed

Read more about a news release that confirmed an AT&T data breach exposing 73 million current and former customers to a dark web marketplace for fraudsters.

Why Organizations Should Develop AI Governance Programs

Why Organizations Should Develop AI Governance Programs

Launch an AI governance program and align it with common regulatory requirements by taking four steps.

Hefty Fine For Not Meeting SEC Disclosure Requirements

Hefty Fine For Not Meeting SEC Disclosure Requirements

The SEC settled charges against Skechers U.S.A., alleging that the company failed to disclose payments to executives’ immediate family members.

Activist Shareholders Must Stick To Their Proxy Contest Agreements

Activist Shareholders Must Stick To Their Proxy Contest Agreements

Read about the Delaware Court of Chancery ruling stating that two activist stockholders who jointly held 22 percent of a company’s common stock must vote as they’d agreed.

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