
What To Do About Increased Attacks And Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

What To Do About Increased Attacks And Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

Companies take months to patch cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Extortionists scan for them in five days. Read more about the impact.

Litigation Risks in M&A and Regulatory Compliance

Litigation Risks in M&A and Regulatory Compliance

From meticulous due diligence to precise contract drafting, proactive strategies ensure companies navigate litigation risks in M&A and regulatory compliance with confidence.

FDA Announces Regulation of Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) as Medical Devices

FDA Announces Regulation of Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) as Medical Devices

Learn more about a pivotal shift in the regulation of Laboratory Developed Tests, and the FDA’s recent announcement marking them as medical devices subject to stringent oversight.

New Regulations Ensure Digital Accessibility

New Regulations Ensure Digital Accessibility

Read how the latest digital accessibility regulations ensure compliance, reshaping websites for inclusivity and equal access.”

It’s Not the Technology, It’s the People: Change Management in Legal Ops

It’s Not the Technology, It’s the People: Change Management in Legal Ops

Learn more about the “People, Process, Data, Tech,” framework for change management in Legal Ops.

Significant Lag In the Legal Industry's Adoption Of AI

Significant Lag In the Legal Industry’s Adoption Of AI

Discover why one of the hurdles to the legal industry’s adoption of AI is unfamiliarity and discomfort with technology among lawyers.

How Can Design Thinking Improve Legal Operations

How Can Design Thinking Improve Legal Operations

Read how corporate legal departments can improve legal operations and internal processes through the problem-solving approach called design thinking.

Supreme Court Denies Vanda Pharmaceuticals' Appeal in Patent Case

Supreme Court Denies Vanda Pharmaceuticals’ Appeal in Patent Case

The Supreme Court has rejected Vanda Pharmaceuticals’ appeal to review the Federal Circuit’s decision invalidating patents related to a sleep disorder drug.

Suit Says FTC Chair’s Presence During MGM Ransomware Attack Precludes Investigation

Suit Says FTC’s Presence During MGM Ransomware Attack Precludes Investigation

The MGM ransomware attack cost a minimum of $100 million in lost revenue. Now the FTC investigation is under objection by the casino.

Remote Access Vulnerability Caused Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack

Remote Access Vulnerability Caused Change Healthcare Ransomware Attack

Learn how inadequate authentication on a remote-access application may be the cause of the Change Healthcare ransomware attack.

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