Read about the latest legal case involving time-barred patent claims and what it means for intellectual property.
Read about why the construction industry should be especially vigilant about the state law that significantly increases penalties for employers misclassifying employees as independent contractors.
Learn more about this significant development for insurers’ Chapter 11 rights and what it means for bankruptcy proceedings.
Read up on the latest case involving Title VII harassment claims and what employers need to know.
Read about recent rulings around Bankruptcy Code Section 363(m) and how it protects asset buyers in bankruptcy, limiting appeals without a stay.
Discover the steps you need to execute a smooth transition to AI in your legal tech stacks.
Discover the difference between data retention and data preservation and how they can conflict with one another.
Discover how legal analytics and CLM benefit and complement each other and can help your organization improve its contract lifecycle management process.
Learn about the best way to shape AI policy for your organization, as discussed at a recent panel in New York.
Read about how a recent ruling revived an age discrimination case filed by a former HR executive in her mid-60s.
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