Apple Owes VirtnetX $1.1 Billion For Patent Infringement

February 1, 2021

Apple and VirnetX have been battling over alleged infringement of VirnetX’s virtual private network patents for a decade. Owners of various iPhones and iPads connect using VPNs. In February 2020 a Federal Court of Appeals denied Apple a rehearing. Apple paid $454M damages after the Supreme Court denied an appeal. VirnetX thought it was underpaid, and the trial court agreed, tacking on another $502 million in damages. Apple’s motion to set aside or reduce the award was denied. The total payout in the lawsuits will be above $1.1 billion. The judge also awarded royalties of 84 cents per unit for future infringements, Apple had argued for a rate of zero, or no more than 19 cents per unit.

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