Aon Predicts: Six Looming Risks For The Coming Decade

April 5, 2022

With dramatic sky background, slhouette figures crossing a precipice.

Number one on this list from Aon PLC is cyberattacks, including ransomware attacks, followed by the more amorphous and in some ways more intractable category of supply chain and vendor risk. In that area, says Aon, the challenge for companies will be “to build resilience at a time when many will be looking to continue removing perceived cost and inefficiencies … In this environment, it will become even more important for companies to conduct vendor-resiliency analyses that will allow them to understand their supply chain dependencies and mitigate supply disruptions.”

Included on the Aon list is one category that is receiving less attention these days, at least in the trade press: intellectual property risk. The writers stress the importance of IP asset valuation, a process they say is ripe for the application of AI, and subsequent risk management financial service solutions, including “buying, selling, hedging, insuring or lending against the IP assets,”

Also on the list: reputational risk, and the elephant in everyone’s room, climate risk, and one we all hope will soon be yesterday’s news, designated as “pandemic risk.”

This post, currently on the Aon website but undated, presumably was compiled sometime before February 24. With the invasion of Ukraine, and the subsequent and ongoing reshuffling of the global economy, it’s probably safe to assume that an updated version would add a number seven, a category that has now been pushed front and center under the heading “political risk.”

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