AI Steps Into the Data Breach

April 22, 2020

It was hard to find qualified cybersecurity professionals before the pandemic. Now it’s nearly impossible. Couple that with threats that grow in number and evolve at viral speed, and you have a petri dish-like situation for incubating artificial intelligence. According to Security Boulevard, AI and machine learning provide exponential benefits for an enterprise’s security program. Without those additional layers of protection about two-thirds of organizations say that they will not be able to identify critical threats. More than half say their cybersecurity analysts are overwhelmed, with 23 percent admitting that they are unable to successfully investigate all identified incidents. Some AI that relies on supervised machine learning and requires constant fine-tuning can cause problems, but so-called “third-wave” or self-learning AI trains itself so humans are not required to tune the system, and it evolves over time to deal with new conditions. It is particularly useful against Zero-day attacks, which cost businesses millions of dollars in lost revenue and recovery costs, and can put a company that is not prepared to respond out of business.

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