About Us

Today’s General Counsel is a multi-platform source of content curated daily, webinars, a monthly magazine with content submitted by practitioners, e-mail newsletters and co-branded email blasts for the legal department, c-suites, risk and compliance managers in corporations.

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TGC handles the marketing, registration and hosting of webinar programs to our 175,000 names in corporations and at law firms. In 2020, huge gains in registrations and attendees led to great opportunities for clients to show thought leadership and generate leads. All registrant information is shared with sponsors.

Today’s General Counsel is the only award-winning publication to address the information needs of members of legal departments, legal operations, the c-suite and risk and compliance managers. Attorneys, consultants and legal service providers work with the TGC editorial team to create articles on legal developments and practices vital to corporate readers.

TodaysGeneralCounsel.com, our recently redesigned website, is updated daily to bring you a carefully curated selection of news and features from publications and blogs worldwide. It offers an archive of past content, a resource page, deep dives into several topics as well as a daily news glance and most widely read items.

Custom email campaigns can be segmented by region, title, practice area, specialty and size. Our customized marketing database product has over 175,000 unique names of both in-house attorneys and those in private practice. Co-Brands are used regularly by several legal service providers looking for attendees to webinars and events as well as vehicles to distribute white-papers and demos.

Our daily newsletter provides the corporate market strategic advice on trends that will impact their businesses. We also publish weekly newsletters on Litigation, Compliance and Privacy/Cybersecurity with content specifically curated to recipients engaged in the respective practices.

Today’s news and best practices for leadership at associations, managing partners, and risk managers.




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