Article Submissions

Today’s General Counsel is a bi-monthly magazine and online platform for general counsel, their staff, and a wider audience of c-suite executives who seek thought leadership and analysis on areas such as regulation, compliance, legal technology, and recent litigation. Our content helps our readers develop their careers, protect their companies from potential risks, and devise profitable business strategies.

Submission Process:
We welcome article submissions from senior-level practitioners about topics including (but not limited to) regulation, litigation, compliance, legal operations, cybersecurity, and legal technology. All articles should directly address the Today’s General Counsel audience, which consists almost exclusively of attorneys, most of them in corporate legal departments.

The process of publishing an article begins with a proposal to our editors. If your proposal is accepted, an editor will get in touch and give you a deadline. All submissions need to be exclusive to Today’s General Counsel.

Editorial Guidelines:

  • All articles must be written by 1 or 2 authors maximum.
  • Articles must be submitted as an attached Word document, with the author’s/authors’ name as part of the file name.
  • Articles should be 600 to 700 words maximum.
  • Please submit bylines, photos, and short bios for all authors.
  • Please submit email addresses for all authors.
  • Please submit LinkedIn and Twitter handles for the company where all authors work.
  • No footnotes or other academic-style references. Essential information should be worked into the text in a readable journalistic style.
  • No legal case citations. References to a case should use the common name and provide date, venue, etc. only if it’s crucial information in the context of the article, and as part of the sentence rather than in legal-cite format.
  • Articles should not contain excessive legalisms or jargon from any discipline.
  • No company logos or illustrations.
  • No justified text, boxed text, or text organized in outline form.
  • No font, spacing, or margin changes.
  • No bold.
  • Keep italics for emphasis to a minimum.
  • Replace any bullets with a dash.
  • If you include charts, graphs, or other graphics, please send them in a separate file. JPG or EPS format is preferred.
  • Author head shots are optional. Only high-resolution files will be accepted. An image should be a minimum of 2″x3″, 300 dpi and CMYK. JPG format is preferred.

A disclaimer on the magazine’s masthead states that articles should not be construed as legal advice and that the authors speak for themselves and not necessarily for their firms or companies. Further disclaimers will not be included with individual articles.

Today’s General Counsel retains rights to the edited article as published, with magazine logo, headline and sub-heads, and all elements of graphic presentation. Authors and other third parties are free to republish articles appearing in Today’s General Counsel on their respective websites. These third-parties must give credit to Today’s General Counsel, provide a link to the original article on and feature a supplied image of the Today’s General Counsel logo on the page with the article.

Please direct all inquiries about reprints, reprint rights, and posting rights to Foster Printing at Mossberg & Co. All inquiries about reprints and posting should be addressed to Lisa Payne.

We look forward to working with you and giving you a platform to share your knowledge and expertise. If you have any questions, please contact us.

To submit an an article proposal, click here.


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