Legal Operations » Legal Ops Leader Can Help Reduce Burnout

Legal Ops Leader Can Help Reduce Burnout

July 20, 2023

Legal Ops Leader Can Help Reduce Burnout

Due to growing levels of stress and burnout, the probability of enjoying a satisfying work life is becoming increasingly challenging. What many believed would be a post-COVID-19 blip has turned into a persistent problem in the workplace, and it’s taking a toll on both employees and organizations. Leaders, rather than the person experiencing burnout, are best equipped to facilitate the positive, energizing and inspiring feelings required to balance burnout’s exhaustion. The leader’s role is to address skill gaps, offer tools and resources, and remove obstacles to success. 

Leaders can stimulate feelings of fulfillment in many ways, such as passing along a stakeholder’s compliment or connecting the dots between the employee’s output and internal client outcomes. Relationships can also play a significant role in helping employees recover from work stress. Leaders can build a sense of belonging and enable authentic and meaningful relationships between leaders and employees. The emotional and physical effort associated with doing the jobs required of today’s dynamic, fast-paced, ever-changing workplace will likely only escalate and introduce new levels of stress. Since in many cases the job “is what it is,” we must envision what we can do to support employees and ourselves to turn down the heat on burnout.

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