Avvo Wins Suit Against Site Created To Trick Lawyers

May 17, 2017

This week, Avvo won its lawsuit against hackers and phishers who created a rip-off replica of its site to trick lawyers and customers into revealing personal information. No defense attorney made a formal appearance on behalf of the named defendants, Chang Liang and Huang Shaoqing. The U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona granted a default motion in favor of Avvo for $2 million, plus attorney fees. Avvo found that the imitation site had been taken down before it became usable, and no users had revealed any information. “We took immediate action to eliminate any threat … and are confident that the court’s judgment sends a strong message in deterring any future breaches to our secure and valued network,” Avvo Chief Legal Officer, Josh King, said in a press release.

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