Oracle Funds Anti-Google Research Group
August 20, 2016
Oracle has confirmed that it is one of the funders of the Google Transparency Project, a Washington, D.C. group that has worked with journalists at Re/Code and The Intercept to report on Google’s lobbying efforts, as well as the number of former Google employees in the U.S. Digital Service. That is notable as Oracle is in some ways a Google competitor, and earlier this year a jury shot down Oracle’s attempt to sue the search engine giant for billions for using key portions of code in Android that had originated with Java. “Oracle is absolutely a contributor (one of many) to the Transparency Project,” Oracle Senior VP Ken Glueck told Fortune’s Jeff John Roberts. “This is important information for the public to know.” The Google Transparency Project is part of the Campaign for Accountability, which says its goal is to use “research, litigation, and aggressive communications to expose how decisions made behind the doors of corporate boardrooms and government offices impact Americans’ lives.”
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