Star Trek Fan Film Lawsuit “Going Away,” Says J.J. Abrams

May 24, 2016

The amateur filmmakers who raised funds to make their own Star Trek film, Axanar, got good news at a fan event last week, when Hollywood director and producer J.J. Abrams said Paramount Pictures’ lawsuit was “going away.” Paramount had sued the fans, in a case that saw the Language Creation Society file an amicus brief saying the Klingon language isn’t copyrightable. Abrams, who helmed the 2009 film that rebooted the Star Trek franchise, said the decision was made after he had a conversation with Justin Lin, who is directing the newest film, Star Trek Beyond. “We started talking about it and realized this was not an appropriate way to deal with the fans,” Abrams said. “The fans should be celebrating this thing. Fans of Star Trek are part of this world. So [Lin] went to the studio and pushed them to stop this lawsuit and now, within the next few weeks, it will be announced this is going away, and that fans would be able to continue working on their project.”

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