Stacey Symoun, Mark Switzer, and Jamie Woroner Join LRN’s Partner Enlistment Team
October 12, 2015
LRN has added Stacey Symoun, Mark Switzer, and Jamie Woroner to the firm’s partner enlistment team. Symoun held two sales leadership positions at IBM focusing on their Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and Informational Lifecycle Governance (ILG) offerings.
Symoun served as Regional Sales Director at New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Governance Services. Most recently, Switzer was a sales leader with Recommind, a leading Enterprise Search and eDiscovery company.
Switzer was a Senior Business Developer at FTI Consulting, where he helped client’s find the best expert witnesses and trial support resources for their litigation disputes.
Previously, Woroner served as Enterprise Account Executive at ACL, where he helped large organizations solve complex audit, risk and compliance issues. Prior to that, he was the Director of Business Development at NYSE.
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