Resisting DOJ Warrant, Microsoft Gets Support From Tech Giants
December 16, 2014
The U.S. Department of Justice wants access to emails stored on Microsoft servers located in Ireland, apropos of a case whose details remain a secret, and Microsoft is balking. This case comes in the context of the Edward Snowden revelations, notes National Journal writer Brendan Sassos, revelations that left tech companies hard pressed to convince foreign companies that their data is secure. A federal judge in New York has ordered Microsoft to comply with the DOJ warrant, and Microsoft has taken the case to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. Now the company has some new and powerful allies: This week Verizon, Apple, Amazon, AT&T, Cisco, eBay, HP, Infor, Salesforce, and Rackspace all signed on to briefs in support of Microsoft, which argues that the Justice Department has no authority to access emails stored on servers outside the United States. In addition, Microsoft has garnered legal support from a wide range of other bedfellows, including major media outlets, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the ACLU.
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