Adam Carolla Won’t Let Patent Troll Drop Lawsuit Against Him

July 30, 2014

After Personal Audio LLC, a patent assertion firm, sued comedian Adam Corolla for infringing on its patent for “episodic content,” which it says covers podcasts, the entertainer asked his audience to send money to fund his defense. Personal Audio then concluded that Corolla and several other podcasters it had sued are not making enough money off the patent to make the lawsuit worthwhile, and asked that the litigation be dropped. But Corolla, whose fans sent more than $450,000 to bankroll the lawsuit, is not letting the matter drop. Personal Audio claims Corolla continues to fundraise to in order to win sympathy and build his audience, while Corolla told ArsTechnica that he’s pursuing counterclaims so that Personal Audio won’t be able to sue any more podcasters. The suit has a September court date in federal court in East Texas.

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