14 Mistakes New In-House Counsel Make

May 1, 2017

Not knowing what you signed up for tops this list, put together by John Gilmore, managing partner at recruitment firm BarkerGilmore, who says that over the years he has talked to hundreds of general counsel. Many of these mistakes are especially applicable to lawyers who came in from a law firm. They may not understand they are not trading hard work for a “balanced lifestyle,” and that their job is not “claims preventer.” They will find instead they are expected to be business enablers, and that seldom is anyone interested in how they came up with an answer, or what other possible answers are out there. They must also adjust to not working by the hour, and to the fact that some things might best be left for the client. Fail to appreciate that, Gilmore warns, and you could find yourself buried in more work than you can do.

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